Hamish Ross
Licensed Cadastral Surveyor


A licensed cadastral surveyor with extensive experience guiding clients through surveying, planning and land development projects.

027 215 6346
[email protected]
Te Awamutu

Hamish has over 20 years’ experience in the resource management process, land development and land tenure issues. He approaches the complicated land development process with a focus on providing cost efficient and effective solutions that deliver projects on time, on budget and to the client’s expected satisfaction.

Based in Te Awamutu, Hamish has had experience across a wide variety of projects including rural subdivision, small residential subdivision, larger multi-lot residential development and a variety of surveying projects.

He holds a Bachelor of Surveying from the University of Otago. When not at work, Hamish enjoys spending time with his family, running, mountain biking and tramping.


Meet Our Other Directors

Geoff Webster

Geoff Webster

Registered Professional SurveyorDirector

An experienced land development consultant who has successfully designed and managed major projects in both NZ and the UK.

021 756 494[email protected]Auckland
Campbell Burrows

Campbell Burrows

Licensed Cadastral SurveyorDirector

A skilled surveyor and project manager, with experience gained in the UK, Australia and NZ.

027 839 6889[email protected]Auckland
Bronwyn Rhynd

Bronwyn Rhynd

Environmental Engineer CPEng | FEngNZ | IntPE | CMEngNZDirector

One of NZ’s leading environmental engineers and has been involved with many of NZ’s major environmental and civil engineering projects. 

027 454 5533[email protected]Auckland
Bevan Houlbrooke

Bevan Houlbrooke

Planner MNZPIDirector

A planner with 15 years’ experience in both the local government and the private sector in New Zealand and the United Kingdom.

021 232 0784[email protected]Hamilton
Jonathan Gwyn

Jonathan Gwyn

Licensed Cadastral Surveyor Director

An accomplished cadastral surveyor, with expertise co-ordinating a range of different land development projects across CKL.

027 215 6347[email protected]Hamilton
Judith Makinson

Judith Makinson

BEng(Hons) MSc CPEng CMEngNZ IntPE CEng(UK) MICEDirector

Judith has over 25 years’ experience with a range of public and private sector developments and is adept at identifying how people move to and through their environment, setting the scene for land development projects to accommodate pedestrian and vehicular access.

022 685 5496[email protected]Hamilton