Completing a PhD is a hugely significant academic milestone, so we’re proud to share that CKL environmental engineer Dipendra Magaju has recently finished his PhD from the University of Auckland with his thesis listed under the Dean’s list.
The topic of Dipendra’s research was fish passage hydrodynamics, all about how we build structures along rivers and streams to not only serve its hydraulic purpose, but to allow fish to move through them freely without any cost of life or energy.
One of the key challenges he faced during the research process was testing with live fish, as they used a delicate fish called Inanga. The fish were caught in the wild and tested without harm coming to them, and getting the right sized fish at the right time and location was troublesome, given the fish are migratory. Plus, the Covid-19 lockdowns prohibiting lab work didn’t help!
Dipendra is appreciative of the support CKL provided during his PhD. “CKL allowed me to be flexible with my hours to match up with lab work, and granted extended leave when it was needed. It would have been very challenging to finish without the immense support I received from the CKL team.”
Now, he is taking some well-deserved time out with friends and family after three and a half years of intense study. He is working towards publishing his research, and will later explore how CKL can utilise his research on fish passage design, as legislation and stricter requirements come in to protect our environment, preserving it for future generations.
Congratulations again, Dipendra!