4 Apr 2024

Some exciting news from our team in Tauranga, who has recently relocated to a new, modern space with better facilities at The Vault, 53 Spring Street Tauranga. This location, conveniently situated close to our previous Tauranga office, boasts ample parking, making it easy and convenient to drop by.

This move signifies more than just a change in address; it marks a significant milestone in CKL’s journey in Tauranga. With our expanded team of Planning, Surveying, and Engineering specialists, we are better equipped than ever to cater to your needs effectively. We are proud to serve clients throughout the Bay of Plenty and Waikato regions, offering a comprehensive range of services tailored to meet your requirements.

Over the past year, our Tauranga team has undertaken a diverse array of projects, ranging from multi-lot subdivisions to various council infrastructure projects. Additionally, their collaboration with local councils and government agencies underscores CKL’s commitment to driving positive change and fostering sustainable development in our communities.

CKL Tauranga looks forward to seeing you at our new location!

CKL Tauranga moves to new offices